Pvt. Robert Enyeart  

After searching available military records, I found no information on Pvt. Robert N. Enyeart, whose home town was Columbus, Ohio. I put a notice in one local newspaper, and a kind librarian at the public library there sent a copy of the page of the local phone book listing names and addresses of the Enyearts. I wrote to each family, asking if there was any connection with this Robert N. Enyeart, and there has been no reply. In the summer of 1995, I contacted the Archivist of the Ohio Historical Center in Columbus and John N. Haas kindly researched newspapers to find clippings about Enyeart. He had graduated from Libby High School in Toledo, and enlisted in the army at Ft. Hayes in 1939. He was survived by his mother, Mrs. Wanda B. Enyeart, and two brothers, Wiley and Duane, a high school student at the time of his brother's death. Robert Enyeart was the first military victim of WWII from Columbus. His was a full escorted military funeral which was concluded with taps at the grave at Union Cemetery. He was a ground mechanic with the unit and was a passenger, as the planes were transferring to March Air Field.

--M.S, July 1995

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