Ryan Payne
('01), Byron Lopez ('01), Celio Ruvalcaba ('00), Antonio Ulloa ('00), and
Roberto Leon ('02) prepare to observe the sun outside the Math Science
Building in November 1999. |
Ulloa ('00) tracks a sunspot group from the Chaffey Campus in November
1999. |

Payne ('01) on the phone with a technician at the Mt. Wilson 24 inch
telescope during his imaging run of NGC 6946 in Cygnus. |

Ransom Hicks, Philip Spring ('00), Laura Valerio ('00), Trung Luong ('01),
Byron Lopez ('01) in foreground, Robert Leon ('02), and Ryan Payne ('01)
with the 16 inch at Cow Canyon Saddle. |

I, spring 2000. Front row: Oscar Quiroz ('00) and Brenda Pulidos ('00).
Back row: Jesus Cardona ('00), Randy Sembiring ('01), Jose Ruiz ('00),
Angela Lopez ('00), Angela Ramirez ('00), and Susanna Ramos ('00).

for darkness to fall, a crowd gathers to look through the 16 inch at Cow
Canyon Saddle.

Valerio ('00) at the eyepiece of the 16 inch. The telescope has a 72 inch
focal length so that a short step ladder is needed for viewing objects
near the zenith.

Spring ('00) after an evening of sky viewing at Cow Canyon Saddle.
Phillp was the Astronomy Club's Astronomer Royale. He was
the mastermind behind the club's science outreach to the 8th graders at
Vina Danks Middle School in the spring of 2000.

debate rages over whether Mr. Hicks' view is improved when the camera's
flash is directed down the telescope tube.

last sky viewing session of the school year. Front: Angela Lopez,
Susanna Ramos, Blanca Pulidos, Jesus Cardona, Laura Valerio, Randy Sembiring,
and Oscar Quiroz. Back: Phillip Spring, Chastity Beaudette, and Amy